Please be aware that you will receive best results with well-annotated genomes in GenBank format.
One genome per sequence file. Limit 20 Genomes per run and maximum of 200Mb per upload. Tip: Hold Ctrl/Cmd to select multiple files at a time. Please upload genomes separately if you run into upload problems due to bad connection.
Selection is over maximum allowed limits. Please select fewer genomes and ensure they are under the file upload limits.
Upload successful
Error: Upload failed
Error: Invalid accession number or sequence file
Error: Invalid accession number. Accession numbers may only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) and underscores. Assembly or WGS accession are not supported, please use Refseq / Genbank accessions.
Error: Sequence already uploaded.
Maximum number of files and accession numbers reached.